Personnel History Reports
When submitting a proposal to a sponsor, many sponsors also want to know more about you as a researcher. You will be asked to provide this information via personnel history reports, including biographical sketches, current/pending support documents, and collaborator and other affiliation documents.
Biographical Sketches
Many sponsors require a biographical sketch ("biosketch") be submitted for each individual identified as senior personnel on a proposal. A biosketch includes information about your professional and education history.
Board of Regents Biosketch Template
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has partnered with the National Institutes of Health on , an NSF-approved format for preparing biographical sketches. SciENcv's tool is integrated with , the Open Researcher and Contributor ID system. Researchers can easily transfer data between SciENcv and ORCID.
SciENcv replaces NSF's fillable PDF biosketch document.
Beginning October 23, 2023, only biographical sketches will be accepted by NSF.
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Current & Pending Support
Many sponsors require current and pending support documents ("current/pending support") be submitted for each individual identified as senior personnel on a proposal. A current and pending support document includes information about what funding has been received or may yet be received by all senior personnel.
Board of Regents Current & Pending Support Template
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has partnered with the National Institutes of Health on , an NSF-approved format for preparing current/pending support documents. SciENcv's tool is integrated with , the Open Researcher and Contributor ID system. Researchers can easily transfer data between SciENcv and ORCID.
SciENcv replaces NSF's fillable PDF current/pending support document.
Beginning October 23, 2023, only current/pending support documents will be accepted by NSF.
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Collaborators & Other Affiliations (COA)
A list of collaborators and other affiliations (COA) is required by many sponsors as part of the proposal submission package. Please make use of the templates for each sponsor below.